Monday, March 16, 2009

The hallmark of a great man

Monday, May 19, 2008

Regarding the late Tun Sardon Jubir - he was proper brilliant
Posted by: engleberthumpadink

I've just finished reading the biography of a truly great man. And yet now I've finished I feel nothing but sorrow as I look at the people that run the country now.

Tun Sardon was a man of the people, ok he felt more affinity for the Malays, as he was a kampung boy himself, but the Tun Sardon Foundation that still bears his name was started to help the poor and disabled from all races, without prejudice.

This man lived and died for Malaysia, his hard work and lifetime of sacrifice produced benifits that each and every Malaysian still feels the effects of now - he was a key player in the Merdeka movement, he personally visited every single hospital in the nation and made sure they were all improved, he oversaw the construction of Stadium Merdeka, the building of the E-W highway, expansion of Port Klang and Penang port, improved telecommunications here, was the UN envoy and pushed forward the development of Penang whilst governor, as well as being involved in charity projects and visiting a different masjid every week in order to be always with the rakyat and hear their problems.

Here was a man of the people, by his own admission, a man. He came from humble kampung roots - his father worked hard and got together enough money to send him to London to study, even though Sardon was elligable for a grant. Tun Sardon worked every hour god sent as a student, then as a lawyer and after that as a politician.

He never stood there with his hand out saying, "where's my one?" he made sure that what he got was earned through hard work, long hours, sweat and campaigning. And yet, when he died, he died in debt. Why? Because he gave it all away to those who were less fortunate.

Would you believe a government minister giving it all away to the poor and needy? Hmmm, let's have a look at those so called "elected reprasentatives" who are currently driving the country off the proverbial cliff, would they give away any of their millions? Would they give away all of it?

Ha ha ha

Where have all the Tun Sardons gone? Where have all the educated politicians gone? Where has all the kindness and compassion to all races and religions gone? Where have the "elected" leaders who care about something other than their own power and pockets gone?

Will we ever see his sort again? I sincerely hope so

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